Church calls for  day of prayer after priests’ sex scandal

The Panamanian Episcopal Conference (CEP)  reacted  on Sunday, September 22, to the scandal involving priests, who allegedly paid for sexual favors with a male prostitute  by calling for a day of prayer  “ for the sanctification of priests and in reparation for these serious sins that hurt the credibility of many and weakens their faith.”

In a statement, the CEP said that it reiterates the words of the Holy Father in pointing out that the Catholic Church has lasted for more than 2000 years and will endure, despite the fragility and sins of its members, because it is a project of God.

“ Our Church is Holy because it has been instituted by Jesus Christ, and sinful, because it is made up of sinful men and women,” said the letter released early Sunday.

The priests of the Rogelio Topin, Orlando Rivera and Karl Madrid, were suspended from their duties on September 6 after a  video posted on social media through the medium  Claro shows a man who denounces the payment of sexual favors with Topin. In the video, it can be seen how the priest picks him up in his car, they have an erotic conversation and then they go to a dating site, (popularly known as a “push button” where they allegedly have sex.

The man who appears in the video indicates that it is not an isolated case and that it is requested by multiple members of the Panamanian clergy. Topin is also heard talking about his participation in World Youth Day (WYD).