12 sex scandal priests separated in  10 years says Archbishop

In the last 10 years eight priests have been separated for various cases including sexual abuse of minors. and   currently, four members of the clergy  are  separated and investigated said Archbishop, José Domingo Ulloa on Wednesday, October 2, at a press briefing when he asked for“forgiveness” for the latest controversial events

“There is the talk of the double moral of the church, but the church has only one moral and it is Jesus Christ. Some members of the church live in double standards, but the church lives in only one moral. Let’s not be afraid of suffering. This that has come to light is an opportunity for purification, ”Ulloa added.

He said that they will continue to accompany the needy. “This is a great opportunity for Christians to live in holiness. In the end, the Church is our mother and what gives us life, ”he said.

Manuel Ochagavía Barahona, bishop of the diocese of Colon and Guna Yala and secretary of the Episcopal Conference, ruled out that celibacy has to do with these sexual scandals in which priests are mentioned. 

This has to do with problems that the person brings before being a candidate for a priest and that happens throughout society, not only in the Church,” he said.

He described pedophilia as “serious” and considered it to be a psychological disorder reports La Prensa.

After the last scandal surfaced, the Public Ministry, through the Primary Care Prosecutor’s Office, began an investigation for the alleged commission of the crime against sexual freedom, in which four members of the Catholic Church are named.

The priests investigated have  been  separated from their duties  due to “inappropriate and scandalous behavior.”