Grave with bodies of 6 hildren, one adult at Veraguas exorcism site

A grave  containing four bodies was unearthed just hours after 15 people were freed from the clutches of a religious sect, that carried out an exorcism ritual that put three people in hospital in Veraguas   and led to the arrest of 10 members of “The new Light of God” cult

 National Police, Director  Alexis Muñoz, confirmed on Wednesday, January 15, that a grave was found in the community of El Terrón, corregimiento of Santa Catalina, in the Ngäbe Buglé region, after the arrest of members of the sect that was denounced for mistreating and depriving at least 15 people of freedom.

Muñoz said that when police officers arrived in the area, information was received about the existence of a grave and they confirmed that it was true.

“Immediately this was put in the hands of the Public Ministry and the criminal technicians,” said Muñoz.

He said  that all members of the sect who were arrested and those affected are indigenous