Rapid COVID-19 test site opened near Atlapa

A rapid testing center to detect COVID-19 cases  is  operating  in  the facilities of the National Highway Company, near the Atlapa Convention Center  in San Francisco, previously a site  for obtaining metro passes

According to the Health Ministry  it was moved from the Amador for better accessibility for healthcare personnel and those seeking tests.

The center will operate from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm and people who have symptoms of the coronavirus should call 169 to arrange a  test to be done. The results will be ready in 24 hours.

Rolando Luque, operations coordinator of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), said that  the person is summoned for the application, two nurses take the swab and that the answer, if it is a negative case, is provided by “Individual Notification of Case Obtained (NICO)” and if It is positive a Health Ministry staffer informs you and then the medical care process begins

“This new swab center was transferred from Amador to San Francisco, given the area that registers the most cases in the metropolitan region, and it was also valued to safeguard human resources so that they have better work facilities and comfort for people who are cared for, “said a Minsa statement.