113-year-old woman survives coronavirus

A 113-year-old woman, who lived through two world wars the Spanish flu pandemic and bloody civil war in Spain has become the oldest known person to survive a Coivd-19 infection.

María Branyas contracted the disease, last month, in a retirement  residence  where she has lived for 20 years, in the city of Olot, about 100 km north of Barcelona

Her symptoms were mild  “The only thing that was detected was a urinary infection and a little associated fever,  but  then they gave her  the test that came out positive,”  a  spokesperson told  AFP.

“Now she is well and last week they did another test that was negative,”

She remained confined for several weeks in her room at the Santa María del Tura residence. A single employee entered, with protective equipment, according to regional television TV3, which broadcast images of the old woman.

Her daughter, Rosa Moret, who was unable to visit her during the confinement, told  TV3: “Now that she is well, she is wonderful, she wants to speak, to explain, to make her reflections. It is her again. ”

The mother of three with grandchildren and great-grandchildren was born on March 4, 1907 in the United States, where her father worked as a journalist in San Francisco.

According to Soanish media , she keeps memories of his family’s return trip from the United States to Europe aboard a transatlantic liner, during World War I (1914-18).

She survived the time of the 1918 influenza pandemic, known as the Spanish flu, as well as the civil war in her country, between 1936 and 1939