Lawmaker uses Martinelli  team in tit for tat court filing

PRD lawmaker  “Bolota” Salazar has filed a second complaint against his fellow deputy and PRD caucus member  Kayra Harding, who accused him of insulting her and hitting her with a bottle of water, during a meeting in offices of the National Assembly.

Two days after Harding filed a complaint against him – also for the second time – for alleged gender violence, this time providing a report from the doctor Saúl Salcedo, from the Assembly clinic, which certified that Harding received “blunt force” blows to the lips and chest. Salcedo also indicated that the deputy presented a “mixed emotional state [fear, anger, surprise]”.

In the complaint Thursday, May 14, Salazar claims that Salcedo did not say what Harding indicates. Roniel Ortiz, Salazar’s lawyer, and part of Ricardo Martinelli’s high priced legal team adds that the doctor is not an expert.

The new action was presented in the Supreme, by Salazar and his team of lawyers: Ortiz, Jessica Canto, Shirley Castañeda … all lawyers of former President Ricardo Martinelli in the so-called “punctures” case.

Salazar and Harding have exchanged complaints since on April 21, at a meeting of the PRD caucus in the National Assembly, the deputy launched a bottle of water – which, according to him, was addressed to his colleague Mariano López- which ended up hitting Harding in the face.

The first to sue was Harding, for alleged gender violence. Salazar then proceeded against her partner, for alleged slander and simulation of a punishable act.

This week, Harding filed a new complaint against Salazar, also for the same crime, to which I attach as evidence the report of Salcedo, the Assembly physician.

Judges Olmedo Arrocha and Cecilio Cedalise must decide the admission of the complaints presented by Harding and Salazar.