Butt-kissing official suspended over more "likes" threat

José Ruiloba who was at the center of a second-weekend embarrassment for the current administration has been suspended without pay from his job as head of human resources at the  Ministry of  Housing and Territorial Planning (Miviot).

The action followed the discovery of a voice message on WhatsApp in which he threatened action against officials of the Ministry for not giving “likes” to the social media publications of the current minister Rogelio Paredes and to those of President Laurentino Cortizo Cohen.

“I want to apologize to the entire population. I am a human being, I think I was wrong. They were not the most appropriate words. I agree with the Minister of Housing, that an investigation be opened and that the corresponding actions be applied to me.” said Ruiloba later in a mia culpa  video that he made public after the voice note was disclosed on social networks

.In a statement, the Miviot announced that in accordance with its  Internal Regulations a committee was established to evaluate the fault and the possible consequences and it decided to suspend him from his position, without right to salary.

Earlier in the week, an advisor to the garbage authority AAUD, resigned after throwing a house party in the midst of total quarantine and using an official vehicle to transport guests. He is facing three  investigations