Cops release  exercising cyclists -court full

At least nine cyclists detained by the  National Police at a checkpoint on the Cinta Costera on Tuesday morning, on the morning of this Tuesday, August 18, for allegedly circulating outside their proper time.

The cyclists, all male, were hauled away in a small bus to a police substation in El Chorrillo, says architect Luis Alfaro, one of the “victims”  who alerted the population, through his social networks. According to Alfaro, they were to  be brought before a Justice of the Peace but the court was so full that they were released and taken in  

the same bus back to the coastal strip, where they had left their bicycles.

In the provinces of Panama and West Panama, a curfew applies, ordered in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. The population can only go out for two hours (according to the last number of their ID) and on certain days, according to their gender: women go out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; men, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. On weekends, there is an absolute quarantine: from 7:00 pm on Friday to 5:00 am on Monday.

Exercising outdoors is one of the activities that  reportedly has not been restricted by the pandemic but the rules  are unclear

Currently, there are several actions of unconstitutionality and protection of guarantees against the Executive Decrees issued by the Executive, regarding the declaration of national emergency and the curfew.