Twitter flip flops on anti-Biden post

The social network Twitter announced on Friday a change in its policies on hacked materials and unblocked, after two weeks, the account of the New York Post newspaper, which was suspended on October 14 after sharing a critical article with the Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden.”We are back!” wrote the newspaper’s account after Twitter lifted irs suspension, an action that had been met with strong criticism of censorship and attacks on press freedom, especially by Republican Party politicians. In one of its official accounts, Twitter explained that it has updated its policies regarding hacked materials since the initial justification for the company to block the Post account was that the article about Biden was based on materials allegedly obtained illegally.”This means that as the specific case of the New York Post led us to update our policy on hacked materials, we will no longer restrict your account under the terms of the previous policy and you can now tweet again,” they wrote from the San Francisco firm.

The article in the New York newspaper is based on emails and other digital materials recovered from a computer that supposedly belonged to Biden’s son, Hunter, a copy of which was provided to the newspaper by former New York mayor and Trump attorney, Rudy Giuliani. ..On Wednesday, in a session before the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation of the US Senate, the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, was accused by Republican senators of practicing censorship on the social network and having an anti-conservative bias and cited as an example the case of the New York Post