New AG promises dynamic action

Javier Caraballo took office on Monday, March 1, as Panama’s Attorney General, replacing Eduardo Ulloa, who submitted his resignation on Wednesday, February 24.

“How long I am going to last in this position does not depend on me. It depends on the Cabinet Council. What I can assure you is that the days, weeks, months or the time that I am are here, we are going to do it in the most dynamic and effective way, ”Caraballo told reporters, in his first speech as attorney in charge.

Earlier, he signed the act of taking office at 8:15 a.m when President Laurentino Cortizo,  wrote on his social networks:

“He has taken office as head of the Attorney General’s Office, , until the Cabinet Council agrees, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 200 of the Constitution, to appoint the new Procurator General of the Nation.”

On his first day in command of the Public Ministry, he called the anti-corruption prosecutors to a meeting.

At the provisional headquarters of the Prosecutor’s Office in the Balboa sector, the arrival of the Superior Anticorruption Prosecutor, Tania Sterling , who is in charge of investigating high-profile cases, including that of Odebrecht, could be seen. Sterling, who did not offer a comment, had a folder in her  hand.

Caraballo avoided giving details