Protests against child shelter abuse resume

Protesters against abuse in children’s shelters subsidized  and monitored by the Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and the Family (Senniaf) returned to the headquarters of the body in Panama City on Monday, April 5, while similar demonstrations were held across the country..

Part of Avenida Balboa was closed d inuring the protest in which posters read: Who will give them back their childhood? Justice for children; Senniafrespond; Stop supporting the usual corrupt, among others. a spokesman for “Out the Net” a citizen group, said that they are still waiting for a response from members of the Senniaf board of directors to whom they sent a request for action on the situation in the shelter signed by more than 600 people and 15 organizations, but they have not received any answer.

He regretted that minors are still vulnerable in places where they were abused or mistreated and living with their aggressors.

There were also protests in David, Chiriquí; Chitré, Herrera province and in Las Tablas, Los Santos.

there are 20 open processes in the Public Ministry (MP) and six people detained in cases of abuse in the shelters, which were made known in  February, but no big fish have been named.

President Laurentino Cortizo has yet to designate the person who will occupy the position of director of Senniaf, which has been vacant since March 4, when Mayra Inés Silvera was forced to leave the post. Her deputy, Carla Garcia was named Governor of Panama.