Court cancels bail bond for ex-president’s son

The Second Court of Justice ordered the cancellation of the release bond of $5 million granted to Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares for alleged money laundering through the Blue Apple company.

The court declared the cancellation of the bond and also ordered the return of the money consigned to Aseguradora Ancón SA

The court also upheld the arrest warrant against Martinelli, issued on September 24, 2018, by the now-defunct Sixth Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office.

The  Twelfth Criminal Court, in September 2020, also annulled a bond of $ 2 million granted to Martinelli, but in the process for alleged money laundering through Odebrecht.

On that occasion, Judge Óscar Carrasquilla agreed to the request of the Ancón Insurer –managed through the lawyer Wilson Roberto Espinoza–, after it was established that it was impossible for Luis Enrique Martinelli to return to the country.

Since July 6, 2020, Luis Enrique and his brother Ricardo Alberto Martinelli Linares have been detained in a military prison in Guatemala, following a request for their arrest made by the United States.

The United States requires them in extradition for the alleged commission of conspiracy to launder money and hide information on money laundering.