Parents allegedly sold daughter 14, to man 43 for $1,000

The Public Ministry is investigating the case of a 14-year-old minor who was allegedly sold by her parents to a 43-year-old man for $1,000.

The young woman is under a protection measure and the man who had a passport and a plane ticket to Mexico is prevented from leaving the country.

The implications of the case, which was allegedly handled irregularly by officials, judges, and the minor’s family members concern advocates for children’s rights.

Lucy Córdoba, a lawyer for children’s rights, said that it is a couple living in Potrerillos Arriba, Dolega district, who apparently sold their daughter to profit economically.

The teenager was raped and abused by the sexual predator until she escaped.

“Parents have the first responsibility for creating a protective circle for their children because regardless of their economic situation, children are not merchandise,” said Córdoba.

The Childhood Police and the Juvenile Court sent the adolescent to a family home and then she was handed over to an aunt who lives in the city reports Mi Diario.