Lottery jackpot payment OK’d but probe continues

Although the disbursement of the payment of the Gordito Zodiac $1.4 million jackpot for the month of April has been authorized, there are still Investigations underway says Jorge Luis Quijada  Director of Inspection of the Office of the Comptroller General.

He explained that the investigation that concluded is related to the payment or non-payment of the jackpot, which arises from the instruction of the comptroller Gerardo Solís, who requested the suspension of the disbursement.

On Wednesday, June 2 Quijada confirmed that there are other investigations related to the National CharityLottery (LNB), which have not concluded.

An investigation is still open in the Public Ministry (MP) for the alleged commission of the crime of embezzlement, abuse of authority, and corruption of public officials.

What continues is an audit process of the computer systems and the process of returns of chances and tickets of the LNB.