Thousands  march calling for ouster of Brazil’s president

Thousands of people took to the streets in Brazil on the weekend to demand the dismissal of President Jair Bolsonaro for his management in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, the fourth protest, in less than two months.

In more than 400 cities in the country, the protesters also asked to accelerate the vaccination process and increase the amount of aid so that the poorest can face the crisis that came with the virus, which already leaves more than 14.8 million unemployed. the protests were held peacefully, throughout Saturday and riots were recorded only in Sao Paulo, the most populated city in the country and the one hardest hit by the pandemic, In Brasilia,  the protests were concentrated in front of the headquarters of the Congress, to reinforce pressure for impeachment against Bolsonaro. where political leaders and protesters agreed that the pressure of the Brazilian people against Bolsonaro is increasing

 The management of the Bolsonaro government is being harshly questioned due to suspicions of corruption in the purchase of vaccines, which have been uncovered by the investigations carried out by a Senate committee and which have even put the president himself under the eye of the Prosecutor’s Office. Huge banners with the phrases “Out with Bolsonaro!” “Vaccine for everyone now!” and “genocidal Bolsonaro” were the common denominator of the protests. Brazil is one of the countries hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic, with more than 548,000 deaths and 19.6 million infections. The number of deaths and positives has fallen substantially in the last month, thanks to the vaccination campaign that is being carried out in the South American giant. Since the immunization process began in Brazil six months ago, 45% of the population has received at least one dose of the vaccine. However, only 17% of its more than 212 million inhabitants have the complete vaccination cycle.