More officials in power linked to organized crime


Reacting to the arrest of a judicial official linked to organized crime former Attorney General Ana Matilde Gómez told TVN: “If we don’t want to lose the country, whose political system has already collapsed, we must try to save something in the institutions that can be saved “.

The situation is something that had been warned about a long time ago and while it is good that the arrests are taking place, she regrets the fact that there are surely more officials involved that have infiltrated in institutions and spaces of medium and high power.

The enormous competitive advantages that the country has, such as the dollarized economy, the Colon free zone, the Hub of the Americas, the ports, the free market, and high connectivity are highly attractive for organized crime.

For these reasons, Gómez emphasizes that “ we cannot sleep, if we want to save our country we must continue to fight against organized crime, close the doors through which it enters and once inside, be relentless in terms of persecution.

Martinelli’s role
“ From the government of Martinelli when the Public Ministry was taken over, he sent a message to organized crime that in this country all business was possible and that politics was the easiest vehicle to access positions, so we have to fight to reverse that,” said the former independent deputy and presidential candidate.

On Thursday, February 10, the arrest of a former official of the Judicial Branch and former assistant to Judge Maribel Cornejo of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court was reported. “This is how organized crime works, said Gómez “and surely it is not the only one. “The penetration is real because of the attractions that Panama offers, so we

must continue to be relentless in the pursuit,” Gómez argued,

Regarding the statements made by deputy Elías Vigil in the National Assembly to defend his sister Teresina Vigil, who is being investigated in the Damascus operation Gómez said that it is unacceptable , since the innocence or guilt of the people is debate in court.” Unfortunately, there are many deputies who wrap themselves in the pseudo-freedom of the seat with the institutional protection misunderstood.

Recently, the director of the National Police, John Dornheim, stated that more than 100 members had been dismissed and were being investigated for their apparent relationship with organized crime.