STRIKE CALL: Doctors give the government 48 hours to respond 


The Association of Doctors, Dentists, and Related of the Social Security Fund (Amoacss) has given  the government 48 hours to respond to their demands or they will call a 48-hour expandable strike. They want the government  to initiate “tax savings, end the botellas (insider jobs)  and superfluous expenses”, in order to achieve a reduction in taxes and a reduction in the price of fuel,

The announcement by the Amoacss in coordination with interns and residents, medical bases, professionals, and technicians from the health sector throughout the country respond to the current socio-economic crisis.

In a statement they express their concerns such as the premature removal of masks, and the rise in fuel costs without measures to stop it, causing an increase in electricity and food for all Panamanians.

They also refer to the recently launched MedicSol program, which in their opinion does not solve the problem of drug shortages and the state of physical abandonment of the facilities, lack of supplies, and medicines, which have even led to the suspension of surgeries due to lack of gauzes.

Similarly, they mention the “permanent disrespect for doctors and workers in the health sector, such as the non-appointment of staff who worked on covid or deducting wages from workers who survived, disrespect and illegalities, especially internal doctors, with suspensions of contracts due to cuts, not paying shifts on time, not paying salaries for months after working, abuses by placing doctors to work outside functions because the government saves itself by exploiting them, as well as the illegal imposition of guarantors so that a doctor can specialize ”

They warn that “if these urgent fuel and basic basket measures are not complied with, together with an effective negotiation of the demands of the sectors, we call on all doctors, dentists, interns, and residents, as well as all workers in the health sector, to join in a great national stoppage of 48 hours extendable; for which we  invite all patients and retirees to join in this national protest.”