Second suspect in humanitarian convoy hold-up gets detention


A guarantee judge in Chiriquí on Saturday, July 24, ordered six months of preventive detention for Alexis Jiménez, for the alleged commission of the crimes of extortion, and loss of freedom in the forcible retention of a caravan of trucks transporting food to Panama City in Viguí, district of Tolé, Chiriqui.

Jiménez, who turned himself in at the headquarters of the Attorney General’s Office last Thursday, is the second person to be detained while investigations are underway. Earlier a guarantee judge ordered the detention of Manuel Murillo,  who also surrendered to the Attorney General’s 0ffice in Panama City and whom some truckers point to as the person who, along with Jiménez, stopped the caravan and threatened to set fire to some of the food trucks.

The David Primary Care Prosecutor’s Office took statements from several of the truck drivers, who alleged that the attackers were armed and that they threatened their physical integrity.

 The authorities are also investigating other people who allegedly participated in the paralysis of the caravan and threatened the drivers.