Civil Protection issues nationwide prevention notice


The National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) has issued a nationwide prevention notice for August 21- 24 following the arrival of tropical wave 29.

Monitoring and surveillance actions are maintained in different regions of the country.

Heavy rains and storms are expected in the provinces of Chiriquí, Bocas del Toro, and Veraguas; the Ngäbe Buglé region and in both maritime sectors of the country.

The Hydrometeorology report of the Electric Transmission Company details that for the rest of the country there will be moderate to heavy rains, accompanied by electrical activity.

“Tropical wave 29 will bring important rainy events in our region today (Sunday) and tomorrow; the possibility of windy conditions during some storms is not ruled out”, said the Sinaproc statement.

The authorities reiterated the call to the population to be aware of the levels of the rivers and streams, while avoiding bathing and crossing the tributaries.