Health personnel treat 80  migrants a day in shelter


A daily average of 80 patients are treated by the Health team of the Metropolitan Region, in the temporary shelter located in Locería, since last October 24. and approximately 100 attentions to children and 10 transfers to health facilities.

 Israel Cedeño Metropolitan Regional Director pointed out that the pathologies most diagnosed are gastrointestinal infections, minor injuries, minor traumas, skin infections, diarrhea, and dehydration.

He added that other specialized care is provided, such as that carried out by a Mental Health team with therapy, to a total of 300 migrants.

 Human health personnel that continues to provide daily services add up to more than 15 professionals including doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, pharmacy, medical records, mental health, social work, and health promotion, in addition to the support of the Red Cross and the Migration Service.

The regional director of Health pointed out that inter-institutional work continues to support migrants who come from the provinces of Chiriquí, Darien, and the Albrook terminal, which is expected to keep the shelter active for a few more weeks.