Over 29,000 deployed in Carnival security operations

More than 29,000 personnel were activated on Wednesday, February 15 to provide security, both in the interior and in the capital during carnival after a  three-year hiatus.

On Friday, February 17, the National Police Traffic Directorate will reverse lanes from La Espiga, from La Chorrera to Campana, from 10 in the morning to 6 in the afternoon.

The extension of lanes from the Bridge of the Americas, which normally is until 3 in the afternoon, will be brought forward until 12 noon Similarly, on Saturday, February 18, the lanes will be reversed from La Espiga to Campana, from 6 in the morning to 6 in the afternoon. Likewise from Sajalices to Argos, in San José de San Carlos.

The return road closures will take place from Tuesday, February 21. from 10 in the morning to 6 in the afternoon, in the Argos areas, in San José de San Carlos, up to Sajalices. Similarly, from the Campana area to La Espiga.

For Wednesday the 22nd, a lane inversion will be made, which will begin at 8 in the morning until 6 in the afternoon, in the area of ​​Argos, San José de San Carlos, up to Sajalices, and from Campana to La Espiga.

In the capital city, the road closures in the Cinta Costera will take place on Friday, February 17, from 9 in the morning, from the Seafood Market and the viaduct. At noon the second closure will take place at the height of the roundabout to Barcaza for those going to Panama West; Ecuador street and 33rd street of Avenida Balboa for those who come from Panama East.

The National Police will transfer 27,733 units, which will act by air, land, and sea in five regions.

The Emergency Operations Center of the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc), located in the central provinces, will be the command center where the authorities will receive all the news that is recorded. The National Aeronaval System will patrol the surveillance areas, it will also carry out controls at the 34 ports or piers, nine airports or runways,  25 coastal points, and 32 beaches. For this, they will distribute 2,711 units distributed in the four aeronautical regions.

 Sinaproc will deploy 800 units, which will provide coverage at 35 points along rivers, beaches, and resorts. They will have an ambulance team, and together with the Police they will support the population in the mass transfer on the roads