Carnival-time ticket bonanza


In the first 72 hours of Carnival, the National Directorate of Transit Operations reported over 6,000  traffic violations nationwide and one fatality.

According to preliminary reports, between Friday and Sunday, 6,171 fines have been placed for different infractions, and sanctions for speeding stand out with 1,581.

Guillermo Guzmán, from Transit Operations, announced that during these first three days, 285 drivers who were found to be drunk were taken off the road.

Th ere 280 vehicle accidents with 84 injured and Sunday the first fatality was registered, in the district of San Carlos, in Panama Oeste.

On the other hand, the National Police reported that during the weekend 410 people wanted by the authorities were apprehended nationwide. On Sunday at least 20 were located in the Carnival on the Cinta Costera.

There have been four fatalities from acts of violence in different parts of the country.