Trump set to make judicial history


According to a statement by the former president of the United States, Donald Trump, given on his social network on Saturday, the New York State Attorney’s Office in Manhattan is in the process of requesting his indictment for an electoral crime and his subsequent arrest for this charge.

The prosecutor in charge of Alvin Bragg has investigated Trump for a violation of the electoral law when in 2016, his then-personal lawyer Michael Cohen paid $ 130,000 to the former actress of porn movies Stephanie Clifford with the stage name “Stormy Daniels.”

The actress and the real estate magnate had had intimate relationships when the latter was married prior to his current marriage. The payment was intended to ensure that Clifford did not say anything to the media during the election campaign.

The bribe was paid by Trump’s lawyer, who was reimbursed by the New York-based Trump Organization. The reimbursement was registered as an “electoral expense” to disguise it.

The case is not federal since, according to journalistic sources in the United States, the Department of Justice studied it, but decided not to develop it. If Trump is indicted, he would be the first former president of the United States to face criminal justice. 

According to legal experts consulted by the news agencies AP and AFP, the most probable thing that will happen is that Trump, if charged with this electoral crime, will be fingerprinted and will be given bail or probation, given that It is a non-violent crime, the defendant Trump is 76 years old and of course, he is the former president of the United States who is permanently monitored by the secret service.

If convicted of this crime, this would not prevent the former president’s presidential run toward the 2024 elections.

In addition to the case in New York, Trump faces two federal cases that have to do with the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and the theft of ultra-secret documents from the United States government that were transferred to his Mar- a- Largo residence in Florida.

The former president could also face another electoral case in the state of Georgia due to the attempt by Republican operators to alter the electoral results of that state, in the elections in which Democrat Joe Biden was elected.

The threat of impeachment in these cases has allowed Trump to carry out a major fundraising campaign from the extreme right.

In any case, the United States has to prepare once again for Donald Trump to make history, this time in judicial matters. – RODRIEGO NORIEGA, La Prensa.