Biden falls during graduation ceremony


The president of the United States, Joe Biden, lived a rough moment after suffering a fall during his participation in a graduation ceremony in the state of Colorado.

After making his speech at the United States Air Force graduation ceremony, Biden tripped and fell to the floor of the stage where he was performing.

In the video you can see that, seconds after greeting one of the young graduates, he turns around and immediately falls to the ground.

He was quickly assisted by two White House Secret Service men and an Air Force officer who was in close proximity to him at the time. The president then rejoined the ceremony.

After being lifted off the ground by his security team, he pointed to the floor, trying to explain what had been the reason for his trip.

The White House spokesman said the president was fine, and that there was a sandbag located right where the president tripped.

This fall was reason enough for all those present to worry about the physical health of the leader, who returned to his seat a couple of minutes later.

It is not the first time that the president has fallen in public, in 2021 he fell getting on his plane and in 2022 he fell off a bicycle.