Dethroned king gets community service for rape of 13-year-old

The alternate compliance judge of Bocas del Toro, Yemir Lisbeth Herrera Ábrego, sentenced the dethroned king of the Naso  Tjër Di region,  to 140 weeks of community work for the rape of a 12-year-old neighbor.

The 42-year-old man was convicted of the crime against sexual freedom and aggravated rape of a girl under 13 years of age with a disability.

Judge Ábrego ordered that the sanctioned party complete 140 weeks of community work, taking place every Friday of each week, from 8:00 in the morning to 4:00 in the afternoon.

During the execution of the sentence, various conditions were established that the convicted person must comply with.

Among them is the prohibition to leave the country without prior judicial authorization, as well as the prohibition to leave his residence after 9:00 at night. In addition, he has been prohibited from approaching parks, nursery schools or areas where minors attend.

Likewise, he has been prevented from carrying any type of weapon and arriving in a state of drunkenness or under the influence of illegal substances during the period of the sentence.

Once the sentence is final and enforceable, it is ordered that it be registered in the register of sexual offenders, thus being registered for future references.

The sentence generated the repudiation of various sectors of civil society, which are calling for stronger sanctions in these cases.