Poisoning victims lift 8-hour highway closure

Relatives and patients affected by the syrup poisoned with diethylene glycol opened on Friday afternoon the four lanes of the Inter-American highway at Divisa, which had been closed for eight hours to claim the certifications and that the retroactive payment of their pensions be made effective.

They agreed to meet with the Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, on Monday, August 14. The meeting will take place in the Presidency. The ministers of the Presidency, José Simpson, and of Economy and Finance, Héctor Alexander, as well as the authorities of the Social Security Fund, will also participate.

Earlier, Blanca Domínguez, president of the Committee of Relatives of Victims for the Right to Health and Life (COFADESAVI), said that her patience had run out because they have been at dialogue tables since February and have achieved nothing.

“We are demanding the presence of the Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, as well as authorities from the Social Security Fund, Economy and Finance, as well as the Ministry of the Presidency,” Domínguez added.

“Due to the lack of responses we have taken to the streets and what we have received are threats from the National Police,” she said in the morning.

After indicating that they are tired of so much mockery, Domínguez reported that in Azuero some 300 patients are waiting for certification, while at the national level, there are 4,000.

She pointed out that it is not possible that all these patients to have the tests and are coming out negative for poisoning.

For the second time this week, traffic in the Foreign Exchange sector has been affected by demonstrations. The first to do so were retirees and pensioners, who kept the road closed for eight hours.