Border Service rescues  40 Chinese migrants abandoned by coyotes

Panama’s National Border Service (Senafront) rescued more than 40 Chinese migrants including minors, abandoned by coyotes(trafficers) in the communities of Guayabo and Cocalito. They were transferred to receive medical attention.

Between January and June, 196,371 migrants (Venezuelan, Haitian, Ecuadorian, Chinese, and Indian, mainly of refugee status and in need of international protection crossed the border between Colombia and Panama. The figure is 287% higher than that of the same period last year, when 49,452 people did so, according to the Ombudsman.

The Colombian Ombudsman’s Office has already warned of a 445% increase in the migration of children and adolescents through the Darién region in the first half of the year when more than 40,000 minors crossed compared to the 7,000 who crossed in the same period of the previous year.