Road closures continue for fourth week

In the fourth week of protests and road closures against mining, on Wednesday, November 15, closures and slow traffic were recorded in several parts of the country.

On the Inter-American highway, specifically in the province of Chiriquí, the closure of at least six points remained in place. There are blockades in San Félix, Horconcitos, and San Juan, among other sectors.

The National Police reopened the crossing on the Risacua bridge in David and detained at least five people.

In other sectors of the province of Veraguas, including the center of the city of Santiago, closures continued. In Panama, a group of protesters held a march from El Conquistador Plaza, along Domingo Díaz Avenue, which caused traffic to be heavy for several hours.

In the province of Colón, blockades have been recorded at several points, starting at 4:30 am. The blockades occurred in sectors such as Cuatro Altos, Quebrada Ancha, Sabanitas, Nuevo San Juan, Cativá, La Feria, and the entrance to the Hugo Spadafora polyclinic in the district of Cristóbal Este.

Ambulances, security forces, kidney patients, and health personnel are allowed to pass through the closures.

Faced with this situation, hundreds of people have to walk to reach their destinations, while some drivers have to look for alternative routes to avoid getting trapped.

Other sectors

In Bocas del Toro, blockades are also reported in Changuinola.

In the capital city, around 5:50 am, the total road closure was recorded in the Villa Zaíta sector, in North Panama.

Likewise, a partial closure was reported on Domingo Díaz Avenue, near the Women’s Rehabilitation Center.

The Transisthmian highway remains completely closed in front of the University of Panama.

Also at noon this Wednesday, there was a closure in Natá, province of Coclé.