Mining protests fallout – 4 deaths, 190 criminal charges


A month of massive protests and street blockades began against the Minera Panamá mining contract, has resulted in four deaths and 190 judicial proceedings by the Public Ministry (MP  related to events linked to the demonstrations: vandalism, robberies, damage to property, personal injuries, extortion, abuse of authority and homicides.

Data from the Public Ministry reveal that 75 people remain detained while they are being investigated for events related to riots and acts of vandalism during the protests.

Meanwhile, eight people were convicted of different crimes and another 30 have precautionary measures.

On November 21, the National Police reported the arrest of 1,248 people. Of those, 1,052 were referred to the Community Peace Justice, and 54 were placed under the orders of the Public Ministry.

Reports show that 43 police officers were injured during the protests: 31 with blunt objects, seven with firearms, and five were physically attacked.

Statistics reveal that 72 cars have been vandalized: 36 belong to different government agencies, 35 belong to the police and 20 belong to individuals.

The report also indicates that 19 offices (official and private) have been affected by acts of vandalism, including the Comptroller General of the Republic, several stations of the Panama Metro, facilities of the Institutional Protection Service, as well as the offices of the Ministry of Agricultural Development and the Judicial Investigation Directorate, in the province of Veraguas. 64 video surveillance cameras were also vandalized.

On November 20, 15 people were captured by police officers after they closed the South corridor in Llano Bonito. They had two firearms and $2,000 in cash.

During the protests, four people have died. Two for attacks in the middle of the demonstration, one in Colón and another in Horconcitos, Chiriquí. Two others were murdered during a blockade of the Inter-American highway in Chame, Panama Oeste. The perpetrator Kenneth Darlington, is in prison.

Photographer Aubrey Baxter lost the vision in his right eye due to the impact of a pellet when he was documenting the protests against the mining contract in front of the National Assembly on October 19. Baxter filed a criminal complaint against the National Police.