University’s mediation offer in mining crisis garners support


The rector of the University of Panama (UP), Eduardo Flores, said on Sunday, November 26, that the offer for the entity to be a mediator in an eventual national dialogue has received several endorsements including the Chamber of Commerce, Industries, and Agriculture (Cciap). He added that he also received a communication from the Confederation of Workers of Panama, in who are also in favor of the mediation.

Flores said the UP wants to be a facilitator to present a sustainable development plan for the communities affected by the closure of the mine.

On November 8, the Academic Council of the University of Panama stated that it offers itself as a mediator in a “constructive dialogue between the different actors who currently maintain divergent positions” on mining in the country.

The members of the Academic Council are also convinced that the Supreme Court will rule on the law and that this ruling will be in accordance with the clamor of the Panamanian people.