Police rescue 6 from car in sea

A vehicle carrying 6 people, including a 6-year-old girl, suffered a vehicle accident on Sunday morning on the main road of the Portobelo district on the Costa Arriba of Colón.

It was after 9:00 am when a vehicle was heading towards the coast, it left the road and hit the rocks on the seashore.

Upon impact, the vehicle overturned with its tires facing upwards. Agents from the National Police of Portobelo immediately came to the aid of these people because the accident occurred a few meters from this police station.

The six people were taken to the emergency room of the Portobelo Health Center, where they were given first aid and transferred in ambulances from this facility and from the Nombre de Dios Health Center and the Panamanian Red Cross to the emergency room. emergencies of the Dr. Manuel Amador Guerrero hospital complex.

Upon arrival at this hospital, it was learned that 5 adults and a minor under 6 years of age were traveling in the vehicle.

One of the adults had a deep injury on her forehead, the other patient had difficulty breathing.

The minor suffered trauma to her left ankle. One of the male passengers had several bruises all over his body and the other man had severe whiplash syndrome. The sixth passenger had minor injuries.