Panamanian Reynaldo Pérez Palacios Arrested in Bogotá

He is known in the underworld with the alias “Rey”, he is Panamanian and his real name is Reynaldo Pérez Palacios. He was captured when he was in a hotel in Bogotá, Colombia, by the Technical Investigation Corps (CTI) of the Prosecutor’s Office of that country, after being required by the Panamanian authorities for crimes related to money laundering and drug trafficking. Alias ​​“Rey”, according to judicial authorities, is supposedly the leader of a drug trafficking network that sent cocaine to the United States and Europe.  The Colombian prosecutor’s office reported that the Panamanian had at his disposal a structure that camouflaged cocaine in containers, cargo vehicles and planes that transported merchandise, to transport them from Panama to different destinations. 
It also emerged that “Rey” frequented Dubai and other countries to establish contacts for transnational cocaine trafficking and “supposedly” received money through international transfers that were triangulated to European and American banks, to finally reach the banking system of Panama.  The Colombian authorities detailed that this capture complements the work carried out by the Panamanian authorities, in the so-called ‘Exodus’ and ‘Whale’ operations, which allowed the capture of 51 people, the seizure of 10 firearms, ammunition, high-quality vehicles range and more than $140,000 in cash.  The capture of Pérez was achieved in a joint effort by the Colombian Prosecutor’s Office and the Panamanian authorities.  According to Colombian authorities, alias “Rey” frequently went to Dubai and other European countries to make contacts and thus carry out cocaine trafficking and received international money transfers.