Senafront Confirms Darien Closures

The National Border System (Senafront) confirmed the closure of three unauthorized access points in the Darien jungle to channel the flow of irregular migrants.  This confirmation comes after a video circulated on social media showing the closure of a crossing with razor wire, preventing the passage of migrants.  


According to Senafront, within the framework of the Shield Campaign carried out by the Public Force, measures were taken to control the massive irregular migration faced by the Panamanian State.  The entity adds that these measures correspond to the blocking of three unauthorized passages used by irregular migrants, which are identified as the passages along the Pacific coast and the Caribbean coast, which are reinforced with coastal patrols and maritime interdiction, as well as the land passages that give access to the Hito de Chucurti sector; the latter was blocked with perimeter barriers that prevent the passage of migrants. 


According to Senafront, the measures to block these three unauthorized crossings are intended to channel irregular migration through the Cañas Blancas crossing, which leads to the receiving community of Bajo Chiquito, in order to concentrate protection, security and humanitarian assistance efforts more effectively in managing the migration phenomenon.