Our Ocean conference generated tourism dollars


The world conference ‘Our Ocean 2023’, in addition to seeking the conservation and sustainability of marine ecosystems, March 2 – 3 generated at least 3.5 million tourism dollars. Connection”, was attended by 71 delegations from different countries: 1,300 people who required hotels, transportation, and food, for three and a half days, which include the entry and exit of the traveler and the days of the congress, with an estimated cost of $650 per day, according to figures provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, some businessmen believe that congress participants could reach $2,400 in expenses.

Congresses are important due to the economic trickle-down that occurs in the value agents that are involved in the development of this type of event (organizers, tour operators, decorators, furniture, food) to move it forward, explained Kenelma Mendoza, president of the Panamanian Association of Congresses and Events (Apce). “Each participant who comes to an event of this type needs a hotel, an airline… It is money that comes from outside directly to the Panamanian economy,” he added.

In Panama, a hotel day for a convention tourist could cost between $180 to $250, depending on the category.

In addition, the participants seek to know the destination where the congress takes place. Before or after the activity, travelers hire tourist experiences in the country, which would represent another income for the sector. For example, last weekend, tourist activities in the city were at maximum capacity because people were enjoying the destination.”We have to try to develop more events like this, which benefit the entire value chain,” said Mendoza. A congress of this nature fulfills two purposes: first, the objective of convention tourism, which is to attract international events with an economic impact and maintain sources of employment for Panamanian families. And, on the other hand, it places the country as a congress destination. Last year, between November 14 and 25, the World Conference on Wildlife was held in Panama with representatives of more than 160 governments, and the participation of 2,500 said Rodolfo Del Valle, director of the Panama Convention. Center.”This type of action together generates promotion for the country and confidence in the international conventi