The Future of the Social Security Fund (CSS) in Panama

The President of the Republic, José Raúl Mulino, hopes to conclude next week the series of meetings with workers’ unions, businessmen and political parties to discuss the future of the Social Security Fund (CSS).  He also referred to one of the most controversial issues surrounding the CSS: “I reiterated that there is no privatization under any circumstances, under any concept. I am on the side of the vast majority who today suffer the consequences of not having medicines, on the one hand, and timely medical care, on the other. Therefore, whatever arises to provide solutions to the insured will be adopted,” he said. The future of CSS and the question posed by José Raúl Mulino: ‘Who will pay for the party?’  According to the president, he will address the nation in September to make a statement on the current situation of the Social Security Fund.