The Martinelli-Mulino Political Party Realizing Goals Moves Up to Number 2

It is now official: the ruling political party Realizing Goals (RM) has surpassed two historic political groups in terms of the number of supporters.  Figures from the Electoral Tribunal (TE), released Friday, August 30, indicate that RM has 271,362 members, above Democratic Change (CD), which has 270,974. The Panameñista Party, meanwhile, has 229,676 members. Thus, the ruling RM party with which José Raúl Mulino came to the Presidency of the Republic that was founded in 2021 by Ricardo Martinelli, is ranked second, for now.  Firstly, as the political organization with the most members, is the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) which has lost nearly 100,000 members in the last year and sliding further down the scale. According to figures from the TE, it has 625,868 members.  In fifth place is Molirena with 85,007, followed by the Another Way Movement with 35,781, the Alliance Party with 25,822 and the Popular Party with 20,808.