Panama Police Seize 780 Packages of Drugs this Weekend

Some 780 rectangular packages full of drugs were seized on Saturday night in an operation between the Colón and Guna Yala Drug Prosecutor’s Office and the National Police. 


The reports detail that the seizure of this drug occurred in the Port of Manzanillo, in the Coco Solo area.  It was reported that the illicit substance was taken to the National Police headquarters in Colón to be accounted for, and it was determined that there were 780 packages of narcotics.  The drug was covered with cream-colored adhesive tape in the color of red, blue and white.  Investigations have already begun. 


In the shipping papers, the illicit substance had Belgium as its final destination.  This year, security forces have carried out 195 operations against organized groups dedicated to drug trafficking, which has resulted in the seizure of 50.2 tons of drugs.  The National Aeronaval Service (SENAN) seized 34,570 packages of drugs from January to June; the National Police 12,355 and the National Border Service 3,278.  In 2023, according to ministry figures, more than 120 tons of illicit substances were seized.