Rómulo Roux: Women as Priority Pillars of Panamanian Society

Presidential candidate Rómulo Roux announced in La Chorrera that his plan for the creation of 500,000 jobs has women as one of its priority pillars.  “Women are not asking for anything for free, they have earned through their education and their work the right to more opportunities and well-paid work. My program of 500,000 new jobs has as one of its pillars generating well-paid work for women, because this impacts them, their families and their communities,” explained Roux.  Roux highlighted the fact that Panamanian women, although they still face discrimination and find it twice as difficult to emerge, are making fundamental contributions to both the economy and society.  “They are the ones who have been studying for the longest years, and thanks to their leadership, critical issues for our families such as mental health, education, bullying and sustainability, have gained visibility,” he explained. In his opinion, the contribution of Panamanian women to science, the arts, business, sports and politics is increasingly greater, and will not stop growing.  Roux said that his Cabinet will be represented by at least 50% women. In addition, he listed some of the actions contained in his Government Plan.

  • Enforce equal pay. To equal work, equal salary.
  • Invest in the early care of our children, in well-equipped Early Childhood Comprehensive Care Centers so that childcare stops being an obstacle and women can work and continue studying.
  • With the Center for Attention to Intrafamily (CAVI), care for abused women to help them recover their lives.
  • Establish financing and training for women entrepreneurs.