Funds heading to the pockets of politicians and friends

The fever of creating townships continues, even on the eve of the elections. Why are so many townships created? The answer is irremediably linked to the fact that all townships receive funds from formal decentralization and parallel decentralization. There are millions of dollars allocated to these political units, and at the rate we are going, within a few years we will have more than a thousand townships that will consume a good part of the State’s resources.

One would ask, what is wrong with the townships receiving money to satisfy the needs of their inhabitants? The answer is that there are no such benefits, but for a handful of politicians who see the opportunity to control the money. Part of this money will end up in their pockets or those of their loved ones, and they will pay political debts with appointments to their community boards. With enough numbers, they could control municipal councils, which means more money in their pockets. This hemorrhage of state funds must have a limit. We have already witnessed what happens with the money that goes to these townships, and although the damage to the State’s assets has been proven, those responsible enjoy total impunity. And the worst thing is that they want more. – LA PRENSA, Jan. 28.