Toxic Smoke Warning Highlights Garbage Crisis


Yesterday, once again, the capital city woke up covered in a layer of toxic smoke caused by a fire at the Cerro Patacón landfill. The air is polluted, garbage collection will be paralyzed and thousands of people with lung conditions are likely to be affected. There is uncertainty about the duration of the landfill fire. None of this is new. This is a landfill that has reached the end of its useful life; However, no government is addressing the issue as it should. Waste management is a task that, if well managed, could solve this seemingly endless problem, which no official has known how to handle due to his incompetence. We can only feel indignation, since with a little initiative we could attract recycling companies that would put the waste that plagues the capital city and the provincial capitals to proper use, putting an end to the problem and even obtaining royalties in return. There are simply not enough words to describe how inefficient this government is. – LA PRENSA, Jan.20.