Reduced use of culecos recommended  during Carnival

Meteorologists recommend limiting the hours of the culecos (water used to spray revelers) for Carnival, mainly in the Azuero region, due to the effects of the El Nino Phenomenon.

Currently the El Niño phenomenon is in its strong phase and there is a high probability that it will last until March or April.

But from April to June, it is predicted that the El Niño phenomenon may enter a neutral phase. These probabilities are around 60%.

There is a 100% probability that the El Niño phenomenon will be in the country until the month of April, which would represent little rain and a few dry months.

The director of the Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Imhpa), Luz Graciela de Calzadilla made recommendations to the population to save water on culecos days.

“Where there are the greatest number of (carnival) celebrations is in the Arco Seco, which has been dry since December. There are rivers with reduced flows to use them for culecos, therefore, we must be aware and a recommendation would be to limit the hours of these celebrations ,” he stated.

The levels of the rivers in the provinces of the Dry Arc registered significant decreases, that is, 35% less rain.

The Dry Arc of Panama includes the territories of the eastern coastal plains and hills of the provinces of Los Santos and Herrera, as well as the southern coast of the province of Coclé.