Panama’s Clara Tristán  named  Life Member of Actor’s Studio

Clara Tristán  becomes the first Panamanian to be named a Life Member of Actor’s Studios in New York, home of performers such as Robert Deniro, Marlon Brando, and Al Pacino

 The Actor’s Studio changed the way of acting in the world with its famous “Method”, which was perfected by professor and director Lee Strasberg in the 50s and to which great theater and film greats have belonged such as Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro, Sissy Spacek, Dustin Hoffman, Shelley Winter, and Al Pacino.

The actress is a graduate of the Theater School of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Panama, where she acted in university plays, to later jump to professional acting in productions by the Yorick Company and Talingo Productions. Tristán was involved in theater, film, and television projects in Panama and was a producer of the First Festival of Children’s Theater – Festín in a very special and committed way she was part of the main production team of the International Festival of Performing Arts ( FAE) in three editions.