A presidential candidate cloaked in scandals


The results of the first public opinion survey commissioned by this publishing house show a worrying picture – regarding the election of the presidential candidate – if today’s reality is replicated on May 5, 2024. The survey reveals that a part of voters are seduced by the idea of appointing a candidate for president who is facing judicial processes that severely question his conduct as a person, politician, and statesman. His scandals are huge, including the fact that almost all of his cabinet about him – when he was president (2009-2014) is going through the same judicial problems as him. And, despite having been exonerated in the wiretapping trial, this candidate will never be able to remove the stain of wiretapping. That is why circumstances demand alliances between the rest of the political parties so that they offer us a true commitment against corruption and we can recover the lost faith in politicians. Beating corruption is what should move wills and put down egocentrism. Otherwise, we will have another five years of government obscurantism. Either unite or we will lose what we have left of the country. –LA PRENSA, Aug.3l.