Social networks – a source for news or misinformation

Fake news has been in the news recently, as it was especially prevalent throughout the presidential election and because of the impact it might have had on voters.


One of the greatest advantages of social networks is that all users can report events that they witness or express their opinions on the issues that interest them. But it also entails dangers, such as defame  discredit, insult, lie or misinform. And, precisely, the latter is what is happening with the asset forfeiture bill, which is the target of opinions based on false information or disinformation, which seeks to create a climate against this important legislative initiative, with which the authorities will try to stop the circulation of money and ill-gotten goods, the product of illegal activities such as money laundering, drug trafficking and other serious crimes, including corruption. Many of the opinions expressed in networks are aimed at discrediting the project, some because they believe that it can be used arbitrarily and others, simply because they want it not to be approved. But the truth is that this is a legal instrument that has given extraordinary results in other parts of the world and has been of great help in stopping the illegal and/or pseudo-licit activities of criminal organizations and their members. It is advisable to go to reliable sources, that is, specialists, and not give credit to spokespersons for interested parties – LA PRENSA,  Apr. 9.