Sinaproc monitoring cracks after 6.9 quake


Personnel from the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) will continue Wednesday, April 5, monitoring and inspection in some houses that supposedly resulted in cracks after the 6.9 magnitude earthquake that was felt in the country on Tuesday.

Two earthquakes occurred on Tuesday afternoon, as reported by the Institute of Geosciences of the University of Panama.

The first tremor was 6.9 magnitude, indicated a revised report from the Institute of Geosciences.

Carlos Rumbo, director of Sinaproc, told AM News that no people were injured, but partial damage to plumbing systems, falling oxygen tanks, and slight cracks was reported at the Rafael Hernández Hospital in Chiriquí.

He reiterated that strong tremors were felt in the capital and many public and private entities put their evacuation plan in place, which he classified as important.

Slight cracks were reported in houses in El Marañón (Panama), Santa Rita, and the district of Antón (Coclé).