Health security teams installed for carnival


Health teams from the Metropolitan Health Region traveled s Friday to different starting points for travelers in order to reinforce the prevention campaign, prior to the Carnival festivities.

The Albrook Transport Terminal, one of the main departure points to different destinations in the country, and some docks in the capital were the setting for the health promotion and surveillance campaign.

“We are reminding people what to take care of and how to do it. Taking into account that since Thursday the massive exodus to the central provinces began, mainly,” said the director of the Metropolitan Health Region, Israel Cedeño.

Cedeño said that on the route of the capital’s Carnival (in the Cinta Costera) inspections will be carried out every four days, at the 70 stalls that were authorized to sell food.

“We are going to do it in three or four rounds a day. We are also monitoring the restaurants and inns that are in the surrounding streets,” Cedeño explained.

He added that since Friday afternoon, at the entry points to the city’s Carnival route, food protection teams have been installed, which will be verifying the products that will be on sale.