Clock running out on probe of multi-millions theft


The investigation carried out by the Public Ministry into the use of tens of millions of dollars by 187 community boards during the administration of former President Ricardo Martinelli, is not yet complete. The Supreme Court has granted prosecutors a new term to complete their work, which began with an ex officio investigation after the publication, in 2013, of journalistic investigations by this medium. The risk is that the new term jeopardizes the entire case, since it is likely that it will prescribe in 2024, the year in which the complex investigation should also end, with which the State would once again be a victim of the rampant impunity that reigns in Panama. Hundreds of millions of dollars were channeled to deputies from the 2009-2014 period, which, in turn, ended up in remote community meetings, where even the trail of money was lost, although it was possible to determine that a large part of those funds were squandered. This case highlights the serious shortcomings of the Public Ministry to prosecute the crime. Changes are urgently needed to bring the accused to justice; prevent at all costs impunity and lack of money to appoint auditors and other specialists. That is why we need to elect real politicians and not crooks dressed in coats and ties.- LA PRENSA,  Jan.. 8