Covid-19  hospitalizations increasing for four weeks


The number of patients hospitalized this year in wards and intensive care units (ICU) during the first days of December is higher than that reported for the same period last year.

The Epidemiology reports of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) show that the epidemiological week from November 27 to December 3 closed with 164 hospitalized patients, of whom 160 were in the ward and four in the ICU.

The figure is higher than the number reported last year when it amounted to 116 hospitalized patients for the same period (98 in the ward and 18 in the ICU).

The Minsa authorities assure that the majority of people who are requiring hospitalization both in the ward and in the ICU are not vaccinated, do not have the full vaccination schedule, or suffer from some comorbidity.

The number of patients hospitalized in the ward and those whose clinical situation worsens and requires admission to an ICU has been increasing for four consecutive weeks, although the majority are in the ward.

The key indicator in this new phase of the covid-19 pandemic is the number of patients hospitalized in the ward and those whose clinical situation worsens and requires admission to an ICU.

The epidemiologist and public health specialist, Arturo Rebellón, indicated that one advantage the country has in the face of this sixth wave of covid-19 is the high coverage of people vaccinated with its reinforcements reports La Prensa.

He added that the strategy should be focused on reducing risk in those most likely to die.

In addition, Rebollón stressed that the health system is much better now than two years ago to adapt to an acceleration of respiratory diseases.