OPINION: The inhumanity of stolen dreams


What happens in Ifarhu with non-reimbursable economic aid deserves a thorough investigation and the immediate resignation of the director of the institution. What this official has done is waste State resources and favor people whose families can cover school loans without any problem. Therefore, their lack of good judgment is inexcusable, diverting tens of thousands of dollars to the detriment of students who do deserve and need these aids.

His management in Ifarhu is inhumane: he stole dreams and destroyed the image of the institution he was in charge of. Officials must understand that the State is not at their service, but rather the other way around. For this reason, the behavior of public servants who seek to favor the companies in their family environment is also questionable, when what they should do, if they want to do business with the Government, it is to be, precisely, outside the government machinery, and less occupy positions from where they can act so that their companies are favored, directly or indirectly, with state works, as is the case of a pro-government deputy and his daughter deputy minister. Nothing is as hurtful as using those positions for your own benefit or for the political caste on duty. – LA PRENSA, Oct. 25.