OPINION: A dialogue table for the privileged


For several weeks, the single dialogue table in Penonomé has been the forum in which various sectors have expressed their disagreement with the situation and agreements have been reached on important issues, although such consensuses are only patches for the serious structural problems that the country has

 But these sectors that are currently represented at the dialogue table are not the only ones with the right to disagree and propose solutions. Many sectors expect those who are sitting there to share the chair with others with the same rights that they have; some surely with more knowledge or experience. It is not about monopolizing the dialogue; it is about all Panamanians having the opportunity to express themselves and make proposals. So why do everything possible to prevent it, extending the time for discussion of topics that have already been addressed? The intermediaries of the dialogue should already take action, in order to safeguard the rights of all, without this table lending itself to privileges, which is precisely what we all reproach: that there are favored Panamanians to the detriment of others. We hope that the dialogue table is not one of those scenarios for the privileged. LA PRENSA, Aug. 7.